5 tips to make workplace safety your New Year priority

5 tips to make workplace safety your New Year priority

Review Your Workplace Safety Procedures as the New Year Begins


As another year begins, it’s a good time to stop and reflect on last year's workplace’s health and safety procedures and ensure that you are ready for the approaching year's work.


To help make sure that your workplace is compliant with OHS standards we’ve put together a few easy tips:



1. Take the time to identify and eliminate hazards.

Use the time while everyone is on holiday to audit your workplaces for any hazards. Make sure all your signage is up to date, your first aid kit is restocked, and your workplace is uncluttered.



2. Take training seriously.

Provide staff with adequate training in their role, the equipment they need to use, and your workplace safety procedures. Schedule training sessions throughout the year to keep safety at the top of workers’ minds.



3. Recognise and reward safe behaviour.

 Encourage your staff to report workplace hazards, and celebrate safe work practices. Showing that you care about their health and safety will encourage them to also take workplace safety seriously.



4. Check your equipment and PPE.

Ensure that your staff has adequate PPE and that your equipment has the right safety features. Put in place mandatory PPE requirements.



5. Keep learning.

Subscribe to relevant safety newsletters, make sure you’re up-to-date with regulations and legal requirements and make learning about safe work practices a year-long priority.


If you have some enquiries regarding our safety products and equipment at Elliotts Quality Safety Gear, please let us know. Call us on 07 3265 2944 or message us on our Contact Page.
