9 Ways to Communicate Safety in your Workplace

Communicating Workplace Safety Procedures and Protocols
Employee safety should be a priority in every workplace and a subject that all workers should be well educated on. Workplace injuries not only cost employers money, but they also decrease worker productivity, cause workers to take long periods of leave, and in extreme cases, death can cause great heartache.
Creating a safe workplace is the responsibility of both employer and employee, and the best way to achieve this is to ensure that your workplace safety procedures and protocols are communicated effectively throughout the entire company.
Effective Ways to Communicate Workplace Safety
Here are 9 easy ways to communicate safety in your workplace.
1. Send an email/newsletter.
You should be communicating regularly with your employees ensuring that they are kept up to date with news and information, and changes to safety procedures or protocols. Try having a monthly safety focus, or send out a ‘safety snippet’ with every paycheck.
2. Ensure you have adequate signage throughout the workplace.
Have engaging posters or infographics in places where all employees go ie where they sign on/off, or in the lunchroom. Make sure as well there are adequate signages in high-risk areas, or where extra PPE may be needed.
3. Use pictures and videos.
In both of the above points, you need to be engaging your employees, and using visuals is the best way to do this. Try using images and videos to get the message across, and to demonstrate the correct procedure.
4. Hold regular meetings.
Make workplace safety a priority for everyone, by engaging them and asking them if they have any concerns, and reviewing safety procedures. Making safety meetings mandatory will also help keep safety at the top of the employee’s minds.
5. Require appropriate training.
Safety training should be a mandatory requirement for new employees and regular training sessions should be scheduled to refresh existing staff's skills and knowledge.
6. Make it part of the employee review process.
Show employees that you take workplace safety seriously, by incorporating it in their review process, and hold them responsible for unsafe activities. Don’t forget to also reward those who help create a safe workplace.
7. Don’t skimp on the safety gear budget.
Saving yourself a little bit of money on cheaply made PPE could cause you big money in the long run. Investing in the right gear will protect your workers, and show them that you care.
8. Routine safety checks.
It’s better to find a safety threat earlier than when it’s too late and a worker has been injured. Make it part of the supervisor’s role to undertake routine safety checks, ensuring all workers are wearing correct PPE and using equipment safely.
9. Share case studies and incident reports.
Help workers really understand the danger and consequences of workplace injuries by showing them real-life case studies and putting real people behind the statistics and warnings. Doing so will bring the message closer to home, and will stay at the back of their minds when working.
If you need expert advice on what Safety Workwear or PPEs are appropriate for your workers or if you'd like to learn more about our safety products, feel free to get in contact with us at Elliotts Australia. We would love to assist you! Call us on 07 3265 2944 or send us a message.