

Beat the heat! Be Safe in Summer. Part 2

  Busting Some Myths about Working Under the Summer Heat   As we discussed in part 1 of this blog, people working in the heat of the Australian summer face many dangers, heat stress, dehydration, over-excursion and UVA UVB sun exposure.   As well as the obvious redness and discomfort of sunburn, the long-term consequences of ...

Beat the heat! Be Safe in Summer. Part 1

  Heat Stress: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention   People working in the heat of the Australian summer face many dangers, including heat stress, dehydration, over-excursion as well as UVA UVB sun exposure. In this blog, we hope to highlight some of these issues and offer advice to prevent these avoidable conditions.   Did you ...

7 Steps to create a PPE Program that Really Works

  Designing a PPE Program To Ensure Safety At Work The purpose of a PPE program is to protect your employees by ensuring that Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is provided, used, and maintained in a reliable condition whenever it is necessary due to hazards from processes or in the work environment.   In the initial stages of ...

Have a Safe Christmas

Top Safety Tips For a Safe Christmas   With the festive season just around the corner, most Australians turn their minds to decorations and Christmas parties. For many of us, that means doubling our power bills hanging lights in every corner, inside and out, and hosting pool parties and family BBQs. Here are our top tips for a safe Christmas...

Winter and Wet Weather Jackets 4-in-1

The Elliotts Z40 and Z50 Winter/Wet Weather Jackets   Now is the perfect time for you to think about investing in a high-quality work jacket. Elliotts have a whole range of winter and wet weather jackets, and surely you will find one that is exactly what you need to get your work done during even the coldest of mornings.   If you are ...


  Be Safe When Doing Your DIY Projects   Christmas holidays are nearly upon us, which means spare time to catch up on those tasks you’ve let slip through the cracks throughout the year.     Based on statistical information:   â—‰   75% of DIY injuries occur around the home while completing maintenance, ...


Preventing Dehydration When Working in Hot Environments   Summer is officially here, and while there are those lucky few who can escape the temperature in air-conditioned vehicles and offices, many work outdoors and put their health at risk of dehydration.     Working in heat is a reality for many industries that operate under ...

Elliotts is always moving forward

Elliotts Australia - Always Innovating To Provide You The Best Safety Products   Over the last 50 years, Elliotts has manufactured many different products, although there have only been a select few that have lasted the test of time.     Proban Welding Jackets   Elliotts longest standing product is the Proban FR Cotton ...

Safe Work Procedures

WHAT ARE SAFE WORK PROCEDURES?   For some industries such as welding and chemical, it may be obvious to associate risk with many, if not all of the jobs/tasks. However, not all industries have tasks that can be so obvious to assess such as loading, unloading, packing, unpacking, and handling goods may expose workers to back injuries.  ...

Correct Heavy Lifting Procedure

Prevent Manual Handling Injuries Through Proper Lifting   According to Better Health Australia, 1 in 3 injuries to Australian workers are caused by incorrect manual handling. A manual handling injury can result from a load being lifted incorrectly, or lifted in an unsafe environment.     Maximum Weight Limits for Lifting  ...