Corporate Responsibility

Elliotts recognises that our business has a direct and indirect impact on the communities in which we operate. That is why at Elliotts we are committed to making a positive impact on our environment and we are always working to reduce our environmental footprint in the world.


At Elliotts, we always endeavour to reduce environmental impact in our wide range of products. Our mission is to take care of the environment in a way that puts back more than it takes out. These efforts are evident in our commitment to reducing waste via manufacturing protective clothing and equipment that is high quality and long-lasting. Throughout our day-to-day operations, Elliotts promotes recycling in numerous ways and encourages employees to embrace this practice.


Elliotts is also an accredited company under Ethical Clothing Australia (ECA), an accreditation body working with local textile, clothing and footwear (TCF) companies to ensure their local Australian supply chains are fully transparent and legally compliant. Being ECA accredited means that we at Elliotts apply ethical business practices, protect the rights of our workers and are supporting the future growth and prosperity of Australia’s TCF industry.


Ethical Sourcing

It is our duty and our customer’s expectation to make sure we trade ethically and source responsibly.


As an international supplier of specialised protective clothing and equipment, we have a responsibility to safeguard the people and the environment at our production sites and throughout the rest of our supply chain. This is a responsibility that we take very seriously. It is for that reason that, more than 20 years ago, we established our very own production site in Fiji, where we can ensure a good, respectful and safe workplace.


We will only partner with companies which have internationally recognised Ethical Trading policies and can demonstrate and document this to us in order to give our customers peace of mind that when they purchase garments or products from us, they do so knowing that all items are produced under these policies.


Elliotts will not knowingly trade with any supply partner that does not comply with these laws and regulations.

Elliotts is certified by Ethical Clothing Australia

Ethical Clothing Australia (ECA) is an accreditation body. We work collaboratively with local textile, clothing and footwear (TCF) businesses to protect and uphold the rights of Australian garment workers. To be ECA accredited, a business’s manufacturing operations are audited from design to dispatch to ensure that local TCF workers, including outworkers, are being paid appropriately, receiving all their legal entitlements and working in safe conditions. By supporting an ECA accredited business you are helping to strengthen the Australian TCF industry and you’re valuing the rights of our local garment workers.


Modern Slavery 

Slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights.


Modern slavery takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, deceptive recruiting of labour and services, child labour, removal of organs, forced marriage, debt bondage, human trafficking, and other slavery-like practices.


Elliotts recognises that modern slavery is a growing and complex problem, best tackled by collective commitment and responsibility to bring it to an end and we are committed to working with all our stakeholders to fulfil this common goal.


We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or in any of our supply chains.


Quality & Compliance 

ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems certified company in 1992

Being the world’s most recognised business management standard, ISO9001 provides guidance and tools to ensure that our products and services consistently meet our customers’ requirements and that the quality of all our products is consistently improved and recognised.


Independent certification to ISO 9001 shows that we have met the rigorous requirements of the ISO9001 Quality Management System (“ISO 9001 QMS”) and are committed to meeting and maintaining world standards for quality, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction.


Product Certification

Our long-term commitment to the manufacturing of high-quality safety gear did not stop with ISO 9001 QMS. As most of our targeted industries are vastly regulated by policies and compulsory certifications, we decided to go one step further due to our commitment of asking what’s next and innovating constantly and have the majority of our products independently certified to Australian and International Standards.


At present, Elliotts has 13 manufacturing sites certified to 8 different Australian and International Standards which translates into 100’s of independently certified products. We are extremely proud of our long-standing commitment to quality and independent certification as our customers are guaranteed superior product performance across our entire range. It also means that workers use our products with confidence and peace of mind.



Elliotts is committed to conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner to help protect the environment and prevent pollution for future generations.


We seek the co-operation of all members of our workforce and business partners in ensuring our organisational practices are conducted with minimal environmental impact and seek continuous improvement in our environmental performance.


Elliotts is a signatory of the Australian Packaging Covenant and fully supports APCO’s mission to develop a circular economy for packaging in Australia. APCO works with governments, businesses and other organisations from across Australia’s large and complex packaging value chain to develop the insights, resources and programs that are needed to build a sustainable national packaging ecosystem.


Other Initiatives include:


  • Paper, Cardboard & Plastic recycling
  • Reduction of single use plastic packaging
  • Resource Reuse by donating fabric ends, fabric off cuts and other materials to Reverse Garbage Queensland
  • Commitment to have 90% of our electricity requirements from solar by 2022


