FR Workwear - FAQs

FR Workwear - Frequently Asked Questions

What is ENA NENS09 - 2014?

The National Guideline for the Selection, Use and Maintenance of Personal Protective Equipment for Electrical Arc Hazards. NENS 09 was revised due to the new developments in clothing product and the testing of clothing.


Who is ENA?

ENA is Energy Networks Australia.


Who does NENS09-2014 apply to?

The NENS09-2014 Guideline applies to workers within the electrical supply industry who are required to work on or near Low and High Voltage electrical apparatus.


Why Flame Retardant (FR) clothing?

In a matter of seconds, a momentary electric arc, flash fire, or molten metal splash exposure can surround a worker with searing temperatures that will ignite everyday non-flame-resistant workwear instantaneously. Worse yet, non-flame-resistant workwear continues to burn even after the source of ignition has subsided. In fact, the majority of severe and fatal burn injuries are due to the ignition of non-flame-resistant work clothes - not by the actual exposure to the heat source itself.


Using flame-resistant clothing can provide the necessary thermal protection to shield workers at the moment of exposure. Once the source of ignition is removed, flame-resistant garments will self-extinguish, greatly limiting the severity of a burn. In many cases, they can mean the difference between a minor accident and a tragic fatality.


When is FR Workwear Needed?



For people working in environments where they are exposed to sparks, molten metal, and flash fires face the daily possibility of serious injury or even death.

          ■ Welding & Metal Fabrication

          ■ Aluminium Smelting

          ■ Mining

          ■ Oil and Gas

          ■ Chemical Manufacturing

          ■ Firefighting



For people working in environments where they are exposed to the possibility of static buildup which can lead to fuel ignition and flash fires.

          ■ Mining

          ■ Oil and Gas

          ■ Chemical Manufacturing

          ■ Firefighting



Arc Flash hazards are a critical and unavoidable safety issue for electrical workers. An Arc Flash is an electrical current that is passed through air when insulation or isolation between electrified conductors is no longer sufficient to withstand the applied voltage.

          ■ Electrical Maintenance

          ■ Electrical Installation


What is the difference between primary and Secondary Clothing?


PRIMARY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING is designed to be worn for work activities where significant exposure to molten substance splash, radiant heat, and flame is likely to occur.


Primary Protective Clothing includes Arc Flash Switching Apparel, Structural Firefighting Apparel, Aluminised Protective Apparel, Hazmat Suits and Chemical Splash Protective Garments. Primary Protective Clothing is designed to be worn over Secondary Protective Clothing.


SECONDARY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING is everyday workwear which is designed for continuous wear in designated locations where intermittent exposure to molten substance splash, radiant heat, and flame is possible.


Secondary Protective Clothing is usually worn under Primary Protective Clothing where high levels of protection is required. Secondary Protective Clothing should be worn at all times in a workplace, but it should not be a substitute for primary protective clothing. The workplace hazards that you are facing every day will determine the level of FR clothing and material combinations you will require.




FR Workwear Introduction | FR Workwear Range | FR Workwear Materials | FR Workwear Standards & Certifications

